I decided to check out a mining track that I’ve been eyeing on Google Earth for a while. I got a long way up but the snow got too deep to go farther. Definitely something to check out next summer!
British Columbia
Point of No Return.
When the three of us pushed past the point of no return, we had to fight our way down a trackless mountain side to get back to a rideable trail.
Enduro on Paradise Ridge. One of the Canada’s Great Ridge Rides.
I was turned back by snow in mid-summer once before on this ride. It just had to be tried again. Daan and I gave it a go and made it to the top. Not without some scary bits.
Short Single Track Ride on the Honda XR250R
A fun little single track ride on the ’96 XR250R. Needed a break from working on the laptop. Here’s what happened…
Ridge-top Enduro Ride to the Legendary Lost Beer Fridge
Outstanding offroad Enduro riding on a ridge-top in the Selkirk Mountains of British Columbia, Canada. One of the rides Jordan and Daan and I did on our week-long excursion. This is just one small part of one day. Stay tuned for more!